Oct 31, 2015

Jammu: 2 meat shops sealed for slaughtering animals illegally

The directions to seal shops in the Kacchi Chawni area were issued by MC commissioner Mandeep in a surprise raid conducted along with Save Animals Value Enviornement (SAVE), animal rights NGO chairperson Rumpy Madaan.

The municipal corporation (MC) has sealed two meat shops for slaughtering animals illegally in violation of standard guidelines of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).
The directions to seal shops in the Kacchi Chawni area were issued by MC commissioner Mandeep in a surprise raid conducted along with Save Animals Value Enviornement (SAVE), animal rights NGO chairperson Rumpy Madaan.
Rumpy in a meeting with the MC commissioner had pointed out about unscientific slaughtering and butchering of animals at local shops in violation of the law. The raid on shops and slaughter houses was conducted on Friday morning.
The MC commissioner also visited the government-owned slaughter houses at Dogra Hall and Gujjar Nagar, where no standard procedures were followed.
SAVE chairperson said as the per the guidelines of the FSSAI the animals should be stunned (made unconscious) before slaughtering and should slaughtered in a scientific manner with proper equipments, lights.
The FSSAI also has guidelines for ritual slaughtering –Hallal and Jatka killings. She said but these are blatantly violated.
“The animals slaughtered in unscientific manner release toxins which are quite harmful on being consumed and can lead to serious health problems. But the general public is not made much aware about it,” she said.
She said it is mandatory to get the doctor’s certificate, issued by the municipal veterinary officer, a night before the slaughtering to check the health of the animals but during the raid it was observed that this was not done.
Rumpy said the waste of slaughter houses and butcher shops are being drained out without scientific treatment in the Tawi river.

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