Feb 12, 2018
Plug loopholes in Food Safety Act, collect samples regularly
The Health Department should regularly collect and test samples from dairy farms, shops and stores selling milk and it by products. Strict action should be taken against offenders so that one can save lives of thousands of citizens, who consume adulterated milk. Government officials should regularly visit dairies to check food given to milch cattle. Water is commonly used by milk vendors to increase its quantity, which results in loss of nutritional value. Garima AggarwalDetect source of adulterationAll efforts must be made to stop supply of adulterated milk in the city.
Spread awareness on quality of milk | Punish violators with jail term and monetary fine | Discard milk unfit for consumption
Many sweets samples fail test during Diwali festival. Inferior quality of khoya is used in preparation of sweets. Milk is often adulterated with water, urea, starch, detergent, synthetic milk and other chemicals to cut costs. Water is commonly used by milk vendors to increase its quantity, which results in loss of nutritional value. Urea, starch and other chemicals when mixed with milk may cause long-term harmful affect on a consumer’s body. The Health Department should regularly collect and test samples from dairy farms, shops and stores selling milk and it by products. If sample collected from shop fails test then its owner should be fined and not allowed to carry on business. Adulteration with water can be checked by putting a drop of milk on a polished slanting surface. If the drop leaves a white trail then it is pure otherwise it will flow without a mark. Another test can be done by boiling milk to obtain khoya. Let it rest for a few hours. If khoya is oily then milk is pure and if not then it is adulterated. Synthetic milk has a bitter taste and feels soapy when rubbed between fingers. If people find that the milk is contaminated then they should immediately report to the Health Department so that action can be taken against vendor selling it.
Harnoor Sekhon
It’s a matter of shame and pity for the Government of India that milk, which is consumed by a majority of the population throughout the country, is adulterated with contaminants, including skimmed milk powder, starch, cereal flours, glucose, sugar, salt, maltodextrin, detergent, nitrate fertilizers, hydrogen peroxide, unhygienic pond water, neutralizers, vegetable oil and urea among other things. It is done to outstrip supply, increase the shelf life and earn more and more profits. Water is the most common adulterant used by milk vendors to increase its volume. Adulterated milk can cause heart problems, cancer and even death. One must remember that milk has a shelf life of only 48 hours at refrigerated temperature of less than 4 degrees Celsius. It can last for more days at normal temperatures with the addition of different types of adulterants. India has been facing the issue of milk adulteration for long because both the government and the dairy industry have totally failed to take stringent measures. The government is still struggling to find out ways to detect adulteration in milk. There is a need for the urgent amendment of Section 272, IPC, which states “Whoever adulterates any article of food or drink shall be punished with imprisonment, which may extend to six months, or with fine upto Rs 1,000, or with both.” Besides, other stringent measures under various sections of the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954, will also help to keep away adulterators. A special committee can prove the incidence of milk adulteration in the city. Ravi Chander GargFood, cloth and shelter are basic needs of humans and milk is required to by them to maintain good health. It is shameful that nowadays people are playing with the health of others just for their own selfish motives. The cases of adulteration of the milk are increasing day by day. According to reports, there was an increase in failed milk samples from 22 to 44.3 per cent last year. The greed of a person can make him/her do anything. One cannot change their mental make up. The lousy quality of the milk products have spread serious diseases including hepatitis C. Milk is a preferred when it comes to health and nutrition for infants and the elderly. Strict action should be taken against offenders so that one can save lives of thousands of citizens, who consume adulterated milk. The people must be made aware to get the quality of milk they consume checked. GADVASU has the facility to check the quality of milk. Take the initiative if you want to stay healthy and free from diseases.
Garima Aggarwal
Detect source of adulteration
All efforts must be made to stop supply of adulterated milk in the city. First of all, sources which supply adulterated milk must be detected using different means. Those indulging in such an act must be severely punished. The punishment must include jail term for a known period with a monetary fine. Inspectors of the Health Department should stay alert. They must collect milk samples in the early morning and in evening hours when vendors supply milk to residents. Adulterated milk must be discarded on roads in presence of the general public. Names and addresses of persons supplying adulterated milk should be published in newspapers so that the public does not buy milk from them in future. The Food Department must sponsor research to know simple analytical methods for detecting adulteration in milk, which must be published in newspapers. Different chemicals needed to detect milk adulteration should be easily available in the market at low cost for use by the people. The essential step is detection of source of adulteration, nature of adulteration, discarding such milk and severe punishment to defaulters. Dr G DevHonesty and ethics are the two fundamental pillars of any human being to build his/her character and personality. Whether it is business or any other service, which is being rendered by a person, is based on these two pillars along with dedication and commitment. Health is more important than money. One can earn a lot, but cannot buy health with his/her earnings. Milk is considered important as it occupies main place in our day to day diet. From children to adult and old-aged people, intake of milk is essential from the health point of view. To mint money through unethical practices vendors and agencies don’t bother about health of a person. Each milk vendor or agency should procure certificate from a government testing agency certifying the quality of milk they sell. People should not purchase milk from a person, who does not have such certificate. Those found guilty of selling adulterated milk must be pushed behind bars. Government officials should regularly visit dairies to check food given to milch cattle. Various techniques should be adopted by an authorised agency to check adulterated milk. Any government official or member of agency if found taking bribe should be punished. Milk vendors or agencies may charge high price, but refrain from selling adulterating milk. It is the prime duty of every citizen to bring to the notice of the government if any one is found selling adulterated milk. Dr Mohd Saleem FarooquiThere is rampant adulteration of milk these days. Milk is a necessity for nutrition. Dairy farmers don’t think about this fact just because of their own benefits. They are playing with lives of their customers. Adulterated milk is the reason behind the people suffering from various diseases including hepatitis C. The government should keep a strict vigil on dairy farmers. Committees formed for this purpose should work properly and without corruption. Their members should work for society. Every hand involved in illegal trade of selling adulterated milk should be dealt with an iron hand. Housewives should be more aware of presence of adulterants in the milk. One can learn anything from internet these days. YouTube can also be a helpful for gaining knowledge about how milk in adulterated. Moreover, consumers can avoid buying milk from dairy farmers. They can purchase milk of certified brands including “Verka” and “Mother Dairy”. The government should try to make the people aware about the adulterated milk and its harmful effects. Campaigns should be launched in collaboration with dietitians to educate masses about the issue and how to take remedial steps. Doctors in the state can also be involved in such drives.
Manav Bansal
Mandatory checkon dairy firms
Because of the nutritional value that milk has most dairy companies have resorted to its dilution hence the product is adulterated milk. What many don’t realise is that such milk causes health problems in consumers. As milk has become a necessity in every house household the government should make it mandatory to check dairy products before these are transported to different retail shops. If this is put into effect, adulterated milk will become a thing of the past. Also companies found adulterating milk should be brought to the book and shut down to ensure discipline. Such steps can coerce dairy companies to be more cautious of the quality of milk they produce. This move will bring positive affects in lives of residents of the city. Mwatitah Faith MwaleMilk is whole nutrition and basic requirement of the body. Majority of people consume milk directly or in the form of dairy products. The practice of milk adulteration is increasing day by day. As the quantity of milk reduces hazardous substance are mixed with it to increase its volume. It has a bad effect on our health. Various incidents of adulterated milk are often reported. People are least concerned about anyone’s well being as they want to earn more. Most of us don’t know whether the milk we consume is checked for quality or not. To stop this practice all must have proper knowledge. We cannot neglect the issue as it relates to our health. Many diseases are spreading due to adulterated milk. The government should keep a proper check on milk production and distribution. Only dairy owners having licence should be allowed to produce and sell milk.
Surekha Mahajan
Many vendors mix milk with water for making more money. They sell the adulterated milk at the same price and are playing with the lives of the people. People are suffering from hepatitis C and other diseases due to adulterated milk. Vendors use chemicals and milk powder to produce milk in large quantity. Urban people are not aware about what they drink. They don’t know where to get the milk tested if its quality is not good. Villagers and government officials should start drives for the people to make them aware about where to get milk tested free of cost. Dairy owners, shopkeepers and others, who adulterate milk, should be arrested and put behind bars. They should also be monetarily penalised.
Rajvinder Singh
This problem is more of a human failure, greed so palpable and profitability at any cost. It is driving our society crazy. This malady can be contained by strict check by the government staff. People must come forward to report the matter to the police if they see adulteration taking place. The tragedy of our society is that we have become, too, greedy. We value money much higher than anything else in the world. Wish we could educate such people playing with health of others that it can never be a profitable venture. Major Gurdeep S Samra (Retd)
A major reasonbehind illnesses
A person can live a healthy life if he/she is eating unadulterated food. Food-related problems are increasing day by day. Milk adulteration is one of the biggest causes behind illnesses. Milk is a daily use product as many things can be prepared from it. The pure quality of milk is thing of the past. Moreover, surveys on dairies point towards use of hazardous items like detergents, urea, white paint and refined oil in samples. According to studies these can cause serious diseases like cancer. The police had raided and arrested two persons in Bathan village, near Ahmedgarh, because they were found adulterating milk on a large scale recently. Two quintal of milk, eight tins of refined oil, six bags of white powder and 40 kg of chemical was recovered from them. To stop production of synthetic milk samples should be collected from shops or dairies and sent to laboratries for checking. If sample fails test then according to the Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006 strict action should be taken against the owner. Prabhdeep Singh DhaliwalAdulteration of foodstuff, milk and it products is rampant in and around the city. The Health Department is nowhere in picture despite being entrusted the task of stopping such practice. Actually, there is a wide gap between demand and milk yield from animals kept by the dairy farming community. Nowadays, dairy farming is losing its sheen due to high input costs and shunning manual work by Punjabis, resulting in drastic decline in supply of milk. Huge gap between demand and supply induces adulteration of milk by unscrupulous elements of society. The health authorities should put up special nakas in and on the city outskirts to check the quality of milk supplied to citizens. Such nakas should be kept top secret among raiding parties and led by a gazetted officer. Loopholes in the Food Safety Act must be plugged to enhance conviction rate in the court of law. Informers must be activated in the field. They can help in nabbing culprits and of course be suitably rewarded. Milk testing laboratories must be opened in every ward. Timing and result reports should be fixed keeping in view the working conditions of all strata of society. Milk testing kits at reasonable rates should be arranged at all chemist shops. Teams may be sent to different localities to test the milk supplied to residents by vendors. Adulteration may be categorised as heinous crime in books of law by the government. Brish Bhan GhalotiSupply of adulterated milk should be checked everywhere in the city. Steps should be taken to control this problem. We all know that milk is a basic part of our daily routine diet as it provides energy to our body. Milk is only the thing, which is served to the baby for the first time. If milk is contaminated then it will effect digestion and growth of a child. It may also cause infection in infants. People should be alert and get the purity of milk consumed checked from labs. Every house in the city should get milk sample tested. Milkmen should be penalised for if found indulging in adulteration. There should be a proper check on milk being supplied in the city. As we all know purity of milk is requirement of the life.
Japleen Kaur
Milk is the purest form of food, which in itself is a complete diet. But when it is adulterated, it can play havoc with lives of its consumers. Diaries from where milk is sourced should be kept under constant vigil of the Food and Safety Department. Any discrepancy if noticed during inspection should immediately be addressed. Owners and employees should be educated about health hazards, which adulteration can cause. Manufacturers and traders of adulterated milk should be dealt with strictly. Residents should also be taught how to check purity of milk. Violations should be brought to the notice of the authorities through a toll free number, set up for the purpose. The department should conduct regular inspections at outlets where milk and its products are sold. Samples collected during inspection should be checked and the report be given at the earliest so that the required action can be taken. Profiteers should keep public health and safety over margins as tomorrow their families can also be victims of the slow poison injected by them.
Deepak Nagpal
Ludhiana and other cities are suffering due to adulteration of milk. To increase the quantity of milk and make profits, owners of dairies and shops take to adulteration. They play with our health. Milk is essential part of our diet. It is not available in its purest form these days. Milk producers and sellers often add chemicals and harmful substances to it. More than 65 per cent of milk sold in the country is impure. Either it has water or other impurities. To curb this practice milk should be tested for adulteration. People can approach Dairy Development Department to get the quality of milk checked. It can also be done at camps organised by the Dairy Department in the nearby areas. People should be made aware of adulteration in milk. The government should take strict action against those involved in adulterating milk. Detect adulteration with rapid test is one such technique, which can be used to check the quality of the milk. Although the government is taking steps to stop such activities, it’s also our responsibility to ensure, that we buy good quality milk.
MCG canteen to offer affordable meals to 1 lakh a day

GURUGRAM: MCG is looking forward to set up a subsidised canteen and kitchen to provide relief to thousands of people living and working across the city.
The canteen will have a capacity to provide meals to one lakh people a day, which will include breakfast, lunch and dinner.
An MCG official said the subsidised canteen is being developed under the project, India Meals. In this regard, MCG has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Mewat-based KW Engineering and Signs private limited, for a period of 10 years. "The main objective behind the project is to provide good quality, nutritious and tasty meals to the common man at economical prices, as envisaged by the central government," said Narhari Banger, additional commissioner, MCG.
The kitchen will come up in Begumpur Khatola on one acre of land.
KW Engineering and Signs private limited will also set up a distribution system which will be utilised by MCG to deliver the food within Gurugram's municip-al limits.
The official said the total cost of setting up the kitchen is expected to be around Rs 50 lakh. Three kinds of meals will be served at these canteens, which will include a mini meal at Rs 30, containing 150 gm of dal and 200 gm of rice.
A second type of meal, costing Rs 35 per person, will contain five chapattis, 100 gm of dal and 100 gm of vegetables. A third meal, containing three chapattis, 125 gm of rice, 170 gm of dal and 150 gm of vegetables, will cost Rs 40.
Talking about the requirements of hygiene and cleanliness in the kitchen, Banger said, "We will conduct random checks to ensure the hygiene level is maintained. The quality of raw material stored will be in accordance with the standards set by Food Safety and Security Authority of India." There will also be an in-house laboratory to check the quality of food material.
Currently, MCG is looking for a place to set up the canteen, while work on the kitchen is likely to start soon.
Veggie vendors come under hygiene scannerKids
Screengrab of the viral video that showed vegetables being stored in a drain.
Mumbai: After the video showing vegetable vendors at Vakola storing vegetables overnight inside drains went viral, the health department of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has said that they would be conducting drives across the city and registering FIRs against vendors found to be storing or selling vegetables in unhygienic conditions.
“We have decided to start repeated action in all such places where these vegetables sellers and other hawkers sit, whenever they are spotted hiding vegetables or other goods in drains, FIRs shall be registered against them,” said a senior ward official from the H/east ward, which includes Vakola area. He added that all officials from the ward have been directed to lodge FIRs wherever such activity is found. Further, the medical department of the ward revealed that the saleable goods would be confiscated for testing.
The video of hawkers hiding saleable goods like vegetables and fruits in the open drains went viral on Friday. The video clearly showed that the hawkers, in a bid to avoid civic action, hid their goods in drains and removed them once the civic officials left the site. Civic officials from the ward suspect that this is the tactic of hawkers to malign the name of BMC officials.
Since the past few months, hawkers encroaching pedestrian spaces near railway stations and footpaths have been facing the ire of the civic body. Several hawkers faced public ire in the wake of the Elphinstone Road bridge stampede in September last year where 23 lives were lost. Last year in October, around 600 hawkers faced civic action.
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