Aug 22, 2017
For a city that has diversified from coffee-drinking to sipping tea and its many variants, here’s a small development – the Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) has banned the use of stapler pins in tea bags. Although manufacturers have been given time till year-end to phase out the stapled tea bags (including those being exported), corporate companies have already stepped up to meet the food safety regulation. In communications to their food court vendors, many tech companies have asked them to discontinue the use of stapled tea bags immediately.
Last month, FSSAI issued this order based on several cases of complaints and possible health hazards.
The order had said: “Food Safety and Standards Authority of India is mandated to ensure availability of sale and wholesome food for human consumption and for matters connected therewith. The Tea (Marketing) Control Order 2003 defines “tea bag” as packet containing tea in bags made of filter paper, nylon net or any other acceptable material conforming to international norms and standards, for brewing of tea liquor by direct immersion of such bag in hot or cold water, commercially known as tea bags. At present, there are two types of tea bags available -- stapled tea bags and knotted tea bags. Use of staple pins in tea bags poses potential hazard to consumers since any loose staple pin consumed inadvertently with tea may cause serious health hazard. Taking congnisance of the risk to public safety in using staple pin in tea bags by some companies, the Food Authority, hereby directs the concerned organisations to discontinue the manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import of stapled tea bags by January 1, 2018.”
This order has been circulated to all the commissioners of Food Safety departments of respective states, Indian Tea Association, Tea Board of India and major operators in tea industry.
The industrial houses in Bengaluru which boasts of good number of tea drinking employees with well-laid canteens/food courts have already started acting on the order.
Infosys has communicated to its food vendors, against usage of stapled tea bags. “We got the communication, with this order attached, asking us to discontinue using stapled tea bags on the campus. The company does not want to wait till December end and those vendors who are supplying vending machines for coffee and tea will have to find alternatives,” said a hotelier who is a part of Infosys food court.
However, gourmet tea manufacturers have always been using knotted tea bags, packed in organic tea pouches. But almost all major tea manufacturing brands have their tea bags closed with staplers.
FSSAI disposes massive quantity of food products and tobacco items
In a move to raise the safety and food quality bar, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has disposed of a massive quantity of food products and tobacco items. According to the report, these items were imported from Myanmar and were seized from various parts of Manipur.
Officials of Food Safety Administration, Thoubal disposed the items worth Rs 51,441 at the garbage area of Thoubal Municipal Council, Thoubal Khunou . Speaking to the media, Chairperson of Thoubal Municipal Council Th Shyamo stated that several items were seized between May 25- June 24 by a team of Thoubal Municipal Council members and district police and was later handed to Food Safety, Thoubal.
The disposed of items also included expired eatables and tobacco items which were seized by different organisations and police including DESAM Thoubal District Committee, Yairipok police, Khongjom police and Thoubal police along with Food Safety, Thoubal.
He lauded the police teams and organisations for assisting in making the drive successful and sought cooperation and support from the people while conducting the food and tobacco drive.
Designated officer of Food Safety Administration, Thoubal N Debendro, Food Safety officers, Thoubal namely S Surendra, Md Altaff Hussain and A Brojendro, SDC, Thoubal Subinson Sapam, OC of Thoubal, Khongjom and Yairipok witnessed the disposal.
Health Department seals water-bottling plant
Amritsar, August 21 The Health Department sealed a water-bottling plant being run from a home in the Chehharta area here today. The plant selling bottled water under the brand name of G-Aqua did not have requite licences from the Food Safety and Standards Authority and the Bureau of Indian Standards, said the District Health Officer, Dr Lakhbir Singh Baghowalia.
The DHO said that the plant was using the water supplied by the Municipal Corporation and did not even had any equipment to check the quality of water. The Health Department team also raided another plant, namely Silver Healthy Sip and collected samples.
“The owners of the plant gave us in writing that they were shutting down the plant. But we have collected samples of water and if the quality is not proper, action will be taken against them,” said the DHO. The water samples from various other water bottling plants were also collected.
The DHO said that they also inspected two plants which are selling cold water in water coolers to shopkeepers and other commercial establishments. These two units, namely Bharti Enterprises and Silver Bubbles also could not produce any licences.
However, as the water was not sold in packings, the Health Department has asked the MC to take action. “Unpacked water does not come under our purview and so the MC has been asked to check the quality and take action,” said Dr Baghowalia.
FDA continues its food safety drive

10 food outlets in Calangute issued closure notices
MAPUSA: Food & Drug Administration continued its food safety drive where in the team along with Calangute Panchayat conducted joint inspection at Calangute Market area on Monday.
During this inspection, 16 food outlets were inspected of which around 10 joints were issued closure notices till the next FDA order. These 10 outlets were found operating in extremely unhygienic conditions with dirty utensils. FDA team also collected food samples for further testing.
The issue of unhygienic food joints in Calangute was raised during last gram sabha by Calangute Panchayat where the locals had complained about poor quality of food.
The FDA headed by Richard Noronha comprised of Abel Rodrigues, Amit Mandrekar, Madhav Kavlekar, Shruti Pilarnekar, Rohidas Gawas and Sainath Mandrekar.
Clay-based packaging to keep food fresh for longer
Scientists have developed a new packaging film with clay nanotubes and antibacterial essential oils that can prevent microbial growth and over-ripening of fruits, keeping them fresh for longer.
People around the world have been trying to preserve fruits, vegetables and meats since ancient times. From the traditional methods of salting or fermenting to the more modern methods of canning, freezing or wrapping in plastic films, food preservation has always been important.
“Food packaging that is capable of interacting with food can contribute to safety and prevent economic losses from spoilage,” said Hayriye Unal, from Sabanci University in Turkey.
“Specialised films that can preserve a wide array of foods are highly sought after,” said Unal.
According to the US Department of Agriculture, about 30-40 per cent of the food that farmers produce in the country goes to waste, researchers said.
Over the past two decades, scientists have been developing alternative ways to preserve food, with an extensive focus on packaging.
Bacterial contamination and permeability to both oxygen and water vapour are major issues that scientists are addressing. Another challenge is to prevent too much ethylene from building up around foods.
Ethylene is a compound naturally released by fruits and vegetables that aids in the ripening process.
2 more spice units raided, 15,000kg of raw material seized
JAIPUR: On the third day of crackdown on spice units, health authorities on Sunday raided two more units and seized another 15,000 kg of raw material belonging to the Chandpole trader, who is accused of selling adulterated spices.
Officials recovered 54 bags containing 50kg of spices from one unit, and 250 bags from another unit situated in VKI area.
The officials have collected samples of spices from the two units and sent them for testing.
On Friday, health officials had sealed a factory producing spices using inedible colours. The unit was allegedly preparing adulterated spice powders— chilli, turmeric and coriander, by using wheat husk, rice, dried coriander stalks and inedible colours.
A team headed by chief medical health officer (Jaipur-I) Dr Narottam Sharmacomprising food safety officers Virendra Singh, Sushil Chotwani and Shashi Kumarare investigating the matter.
They have so far seized more than 62,000 kg of dried chilli, turmeric, rice, husk, coriander stalks and other material, which was allegedly used for preparing adulterated spices.
One Jai Prakash is the key accused involved in the trade, officials said.
On Saturday, officials had seized 40,000 kg of spices belonging to him, which were kept in three cold storages.
Officials said that Sunday's raids were in connection with the raids conducted on Friday and Saturday.
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