The raid was conducted in the wake of coronavirus cases reported in the state

Food safety officers inspecting the kitchen of SAT Hospital canteen inside the Government Medical College during the raid conducted in Hospital canteens of the city on Monday
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Stale cream buns and banana fritters were seized from the SAT Hospital canteen, located inside the Government Medical College during a food safety raid on Monday. The canteen which also sells aerated drinks was fined and issued a rectification notice by the Commissionerate of Food Safety for selling old food to the public.
“Rectification notices were also issued by the authority to the Regional Cancer Centre and the main canteen located inside the Government Medical College Hospital and cafes at GG Hospital, Cosmopolitan Hospital, General Hospital and SUT Hospital,” said S Sangeeth, food safety officer, Vattiyoorkavu circle.
“Improper storage of food inside the freezer and water logging in the kitchen were the major anomalies found during the inspection. One canteen was found to be making cutlets in an unhygienic condition,” said Sangeeth.
If the eight hospital canteens fail to rectify the anomalies within two to three days, a re-inspection along with fine will be imposed on the offenders.
According to the food safety officials, the raid was conducted in the wake of coronavirus cases reported in the state. “It was necessary to carry out inspections as the virus is partially food borne. We are also planning to conduct a similar raid on other hospitals of the city by the end of this month,” said Sangeeth.
Food safety officers, Anilkumar N (Nemom circle) and Shini V S (Parassala circle) were also part of the inspection.
“Quality of drinking water, use of synthetic food colours, food additives, reusing of cooking oil, medically fit food handlers and safe and hygienic storage conditions were a few parametres on which the inspection was conducted,” said Alex K Issac, assistant food safety commissioner. The commissionerate is also planning to conduct further raids in markets within the city limits soon.