It is estimated that cereals provide as much as 70 to 80% of the daily energy requirement of people in Asia. Packed with proteins, starch, fats, vitamins, salt and essential minerals, cereals are the ultimate health food as they offer a plethora of health benefits. The high fiber content of cereals acts as mucilage and facilitates healthy bowel movements. A diet rich in cereals has also been found to prevent heart diseases and lower cholesterol in the body. In this article, we shall take a closer look at some key health benefits obtained from the consumption of organic cereals.
Organic cereals prevent heart diseases – Consuming organic healthy foods such as whole wheat satiate the body’s Vitamin E requirement, which in turn enhances blood circulation in the body. The oxidation of LDL or low-density lipo protein cholesterol clogs the arteries and eventually leads to heart diseases. Including organic whole wheat in your diet would reverse the blockages in the arteries and prevent the onset of various heart diseases.
Organic cereals prevent diabetes – Diabetes is an anomaly that is caused by the presence of excess glucose in the blood. Consuming organic cereals such as whole-wheat flour in the form of breads and croissants regulates the sugar content by releasing glucose at a gradual rate into the blood, thus preventing the onset of diabetes.
Organic cereals contribute to strength and vitality – The juice extracts of organic wheat grass is rich in betacarotene, aminoacids and essential minerals such as magnesium. These nutrients boost strength and vitality in the body and prevent the onset of deficiency diseases such as anemia.
Organic cereals have binding properties – Apart from containing high amount of dietary fiber, organic cereals have binding properties and are used as an effective treatment for stomach ailments such as diarrhea and morning sickness in pregnant women.
Organic cereals prevent kidney diseases – Organic healthy foods such as barley have excellent diuretic properties. The water that is extracted after cooking barley is used as an effective treatment to cure or prevent urinary and kidney related diseases.
Organic cereals facilitate weight loss – Organic cereals are the quintessential health food for weight loss aspirants. A diet rich in high fiber cereals such as oats releases glucose very slowly into the body, thus preventing the excess storage of sugar in the form of fat. Due to its high fiber content, oats gives the dieter a feeling of fullness and curbs his appetite.
Organic cereals prevent breast cancer – Eating an organic diet that is rich in whole-wheat products can prevent the onset of breast cancer. Whole wheat contains phytosterols, which are plant based steroids that emulate the hormone estrogen. These steroids affix themselves to the estrogen receptors in the breast tissue and block the absorption of excess estrogen that can trigger off cancer in the cells.
Organic cereals are a rich source of protein – One of the most rewarding advantages of consuming a variety of organic cereals is the intake of different types of essential proteins in the body. This is due to the fact that every variety of cereal contains its own form of protein. The types of proteins that are most commonly present in cereals include albumins, prolamines, glutelins, globulins and gliadins.
Including organic cereals in your diet is a cost effective way to satiate your body’s essential nutritional requirements. Replete with a mixed bag of proteins, vitamins and other immunity building nutrients, organic cereals are the complete food that contributes to optimal health and vitality in the long run.
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