Preetam Singh, 43, was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment of one year along with a penalty of Rs 5,000 for selling juice made out of inferior-quality fruits in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.

Juice seller sentenced to rigorous imprisonment in MP | Photo Credit: Thinkstock
Bhopal: In Madhya Pradesh's capital city of Bhopal, a juice seller was sentenced to a year-long rigorous imprisonment by a special court for using poor quality pineapple at his establishment. The court, instituted for the trial of cases pertaining to food adulteration also slapped a penalty of Rs 5,000 on the vendor and also confiscated sub-standard fruits from his shop situated near Habibganj Crossing.
The shop was known as Khalsa Juice Centre and was raided about 10 years ago by the then-food inspector Bhojraj Singh Dhakad. A charge-sheet was lodged against the accused 43-year-old juice shop owner Preetam Singh under relevant sections of the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act.
A news report published by the Times of India said that Prakash Kumar Uike, Judicial Magistrate First Class held Singh guilty after observing that poor quality fruit juice was being served to customers, thereby cheating them. The court further observed that the substandard-quality juice may have had an adverse impact on the health of the customers. Maintaining the same, Singh was sentenced to one year of rigorous imprisonment.
This should most definitely come as a reminder to those in the catering business and food industry to comply with guidelines laid down by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, FSSAI, especially those who disregard the health and safety of their customers and go on to deceive them by providing goods and services processed out of low-grade raw material.
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