Activists of the Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha destroy genetically
modified paddy crops on a field owned by Dupont during a protest at
Hadonahalli in Bangalore district in this November, 2010
The government’s attempts to get the Environment Ministry to support field trials have failed
The government’s attempts to persuade the Environment
Ministry to accept the Agriculture, and Science and Technology
Ministries’ views in favour of immediately going ahead with field trials
of genetically modified (GM) food crops have failed so far.
government was to respond to reports filed by the Technical Expert
Committee and one of its dissenting members before the Supreme Court in
an ongoing case and it was decided by the Prime Minister’s Office that a
“harmonised” common stance would be presented to the courts.
But the attempt at the level of the Cabinet Secretary to forge such a
common stance in favour of permitting field trials of GM food crops,
which is being advocated by the Agriculture and Science ministries,
along with the biotech industry, faced the reality of diametrically
opposite views prevailing in the government.
The former Environment Minister, Jayanthi Natarajan, had put her opposition to GM food crop trials on record.
The Hindu
accessed the draft affidavit prepared by the committee of secretaries
led by the Cabinet Secretary in favour of immediate opening of field
trials of GM food crops. In meetings held over months, the committee of
secretaries, including secretaries from the Agriculture Ministry,
Department of Biotechnology and others, tried to push through this
version. But the Environment secretary stood his ground upon
instructions of the then Environment Minister.
Environment secretary recommended that safeguards such as public
hearings and consent of State governments be put in place before going
ahead with the trials. He also advised site specific safeguards and risk
assessment guidelines as part of the reforms.
Minister on her part noted that she had told the Prime Minister of her
opposition to the trials and preferred to file a separate affidavit on
behalf of her Ministry rather than go with the widely different views of
the Ministry of Agriculture and others which are ‘promoting’
If the government was to now forge a
common stance overruling her opposition it should be done at the level
of the Prime Minister or the Union Cabinet and not be dictated by a
committee of secretaries, Ms. Natarajan said, noting that if a common
affidavit was what the government wanted it had to take in to account
the Parliamentary Standing Committee’s opposition to such trials as well
as the opposition from many State governments. The Environment
secretary conveyed the decision but the committee headed by the Cabinet
Secretary continued to push for a “common” affidavit.
an attempt to forge a ‘common ground’, the committee did try to tone
down its harsh attack against the Technical Expert Committee of the
Supreme Court, which had advocated a moratorium on field trials till a
new regulatory regime is put in place. But even while agreeing to some
of the regulatory reforms that the TEC recommended, the committee, in
its revised position, continued to demand an immediate clearance for
field trials without awaiting either the passing of the Biotechnology
Regulatory Authority Bill, which is now pending in the Parliament, or
other regulatory reforms. It instead leaned almost entirely in favour of
the dissenting report of R.S. Paroda, former director general of Indian
Council of Agriculture Research, who was put on the TEC after the
government complained of lack of balance in the panel. Mr. Paroda in his
dissenting report favoured going-ahead with field trials and not
awaiting regulatory reforms.
In the same case before
Supreme Court, the Agriculture Ministry had earlier presented its views
separately and the Environment Ministry stayed out of the litigation
owing to its radically different views.
The current
Environment Minister M. Veerappa Moily is yet to take a view on the
matter but would have to now do a complete turn around on his Ministry
and predecessor’s decisions if he wishes to go ahead with the field
Responding to a query on the conflict within
the government, Kavitha Kuruganti, member of the Coalition for a
GM-Free India, said: “The issue is related to bio-safety and other
risks; that is what the case is about. The mandate and responsibility
for protecting and upholding bio-safety is with the MoEF. They should be
responding in the Court. Ministry of Agriculture represents conflict of
interest; it is a promotional body, not regulatory. There is no single
rational reason why India should walk into field trials without
addressing some basic issues raised by the majority TEC report of
independent scientists.”
But, Association of
Biotechnology Led Enterprises — Agriculture Group (ABLE-AG) argued it
did not make sense to hold back field trials at the moment even as the
Bill is before Parliament. States and the Central government had
adequate systems for supervision and monitoring in place, it said.
“There should be only one view of the government on the matter. There
are no worries about confined field trials. Regulatory process should
also evolve with introduction of new technologies. No question of
environment safety is involved in the field trials right now,” ABLE-AG
executive director N. Seetharama said.
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