Complaint Against Max Hyper Market, To Pay 5K As Fine For Selling Wormy Buns
Food adulteration is a serious issue. It is not just a matter of in convenience or mental harassment, it actually has a direct bearing and impact on the health and well being of the consumers.
And yet, these issues continue unbated, in most instances brushed aside casually by the Brands in question…unless of course some consumer loses and raises a storm.
This is precisely what happened with Max Hyper Market outlet in Bangalore. One consumer’s 12 year old fell seriously ill after consuming ‘worm’ infested buns sold by the retailer. When the consumer demanded explanation, the retailer agreed with the fact that the buns had worms but was most unapologetic and refused to take them back .
A very miffed consumer dragged them to a consumer forum which held the retailer guilty of stalking stale and dangerous food item, unfit for human consumption despite retailer’s plea that consumer should have checked the item before buying. The retailer was ordered to pay a fine of Rs. 5000 to the consumer for the mental and physical agony he had to undergo.