Jun 17, 2012

Fast food centres serving non-Halaal chicken?

The main reason behind the rise in chicken prices is the death of large number of chickens. If a large number of chickens is dying, where does the dead stock go? Are you committing the mistake of eating non-Halaal food by way of eating dead chicken, which is not zabiha?
Fast food business is on the rise in twin cities but we forget that inspite of chicken price hike, fast food centre owners are serving various chicken dishes at the same prices. Is it because they buy dead chicken on low prices?
Few days ago an English daily had published a report which exposed a shocking revelation that 80 percent dead chicken is sold on fast food centres and roadside vendors serving chicken dishes. After this revelation, it was also come to the fore, through an investigation, that the deaths of chickens have immensely increased during the past few months.
A businessman having vast experience of chicken business told that if 1000 birds come out of the farm nearly 50 to 100 of them die. Retail business where majority are Muslim businessmen, they avoid selling dead birds but in wholesale business a particular section do not hesitate selling deadstock. These wholesale companies cut the birds and sell them as frozen chicken. Owner of a famous hotel confirmed that news, saying that in present scenario the fast food centres cannot serve chicken dishes on the cost on which they are serving.

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