Dec 7, 2011

'New food safety standard awareness on FSSC 22000'

 "Adhering to food safety standards and practices is very important, especially in Kerala, a consumer state where people are the end-users of the food chain" M Beena, managing director, Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation, said on Tuesday. She was speaking at a seminar on 'New food safety standard awareness on FSSC 22000,' jointly organized by the Kerala Chamber of Commerce and Industry ladies' forum and British Standard Institution. She added that ensuring good food safety practices was very essential. Ensuring proper food standards and practices would result in consistent output. Food contamination could be classified into micro biological contamination, chemical contamination, foreign material contamination and economic adulteration. An appropriate risk management strategy was required to tackle that, she said.

FSSC 22000: 2010 is an international standard developed for the certification of food safety management systems for food manufacturers, which combines the requirements of ISO 22000:2005 and PASS 220:2008. The new standard will manage and ensure the safety and suitability of food in each link of the supply chain.