Sep 8, 2015

Software to monitor Food Safety Act implementation

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The state food safety department is set to launch Management Information System (MIS) software for speedy and effective coordination. With the introduction of the software, Kerala would become the first state in the country to computerize monitoring and implementation of food safety provisions.
The pilot project would be launched in Thiruvananthapuram on Monday. "The department is crippled due to staff crunch. But it is hoped that the implementation of the software would help in better co-ordination among enforcement officials. The officials spent hours recording proceedings," said food safety commissioner T V Anupama.
Developed by Invis Multimedia, it would aid food safety officials in uploading details of inspections including photographs and informing higher officials about raids. After the launch in the capital, the software would be introduced in other districts. The software would play major role in functioning of food labs too as it could indicate forthcoming workload at the time of sample collection itself.
"The complexity of the Food Safety Act and the detailed procedures of enforcement were a real challenge, but we completed it with 100% accuracy," said Sudheesh Radhakrishnan, head of software development at Invis Multimedia. A team comprising joint commissioners K Anil Kumar, D Sivakumar, D Ashrafudeen and research officer G Gopakumar was formed to work along with the web application development team. The idea was to develop a web-based application to connect officials in offices and fields across the state, through the software.
Officers with the food safety department have already been given an initial training on the software. The department also plans to develop a mobile interface which could help field officers operate through tablets and smartphones.

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