Nov 1, 2013

Post food adulteration complaint on FB

Picture for representational purposes only.
Chennai: Welcoming the young and tech-savvy to rep­ort on food ad­u­l­te­ra­tion, food safety officials have asked them to post their com­pl­a­ints on Facebook. City food safety officials wi­ll take complaints fr­om consumers on adulterated sweets and snacks sold duri­ng the Deepavali festival in this manner.
Customers can also take a photo of the it­em and post it on Fa­ce­book. Speaking to DC, S. Lak­shmi Naraya­n­an, designated officer, Food Safety and Stan­d­ards Authority of In­dia (FSSAI), said, “We conducted raids and lifted samples of food items and sweets from various hotels and sweet meat shops in the last few weeks to ensure safe consumption for Chen­n­a­iites during Deepavali.
In case of food adulteration and substandard quality of food items being sold during the festival, people can let us know through our Facebook page.” He added that for many, Facebook would be an easy tool with which to reach officials.
It may be recalled that Anshul Mishra, former Madurai collector, opened a Face­book page and used it as a speedy grievance red­r­essal mechan­i­sm. He rec­e­ived more than 3,000 complaints on the page and solved 80 per cent of them as quickly as possible.
Similarly, the Food Sa­fety department is ho­ping receive responses from the public on unsafe and unhygienic food items through the Face­book page. “We would track the sale of unsafe food and bring the uns­cr­upulous traders to book with the help of consumers,” he said.
Fa­ce­book link of FS­SAI: ht­tps:// . Apart from online complaints, consumers can send the­ir petitions directly to: The Desi­gna­ted Officer, Food Safety and Stan­dards Authority of India, No.33, Jones Road, Sai­dapet, Chennai - 600 006. 044-23813095

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