Apr 20, 2015

Here are FIVE BEST Tips to Cook meat safely

1. Meat Safety:

Storing and Handling Meat, Poultry, and Fish

Various sorts of microbes can develop on creature items. It’s critical to securely handle and store a wide range of meat. Then again, numerous individuals think that it befuddling that distinctive sorts of meat have diverse taking care of standards. It might be consummately protected to eat one sort of meat a week after it was arranged or solidify it to eat later. Be that as it may, different sorts ought to be discarded after just a couple of days or kept unfrozen.

2. Handling Meat:

Make a point to wash your hands every now and again when setting up any sort of meat, fish, or poultry.Set up the meat on a different surface from other cooking materials. Germs spread effortlessly. It’s especially essential to keep vegetables and different fixings far from meat, particularly on the off chance that you are not cooking them together in the same dish. Utilization separate cutting sheets. You ought to additionally clean every cooking utensil after they come into contact with crude meat. Diverse utensils ought to be utilized to serve sustenance than set it up.

3. Meat Storage:
As a general rule, uncured raw meat lasts safely for around three days in the refrigerator. If you are planning to keep uncooked meat longer, then freezing is your best bet. Meat should be sealed in an airtight package before freezing. Then it can usually be frozen for at least several months.
Safe freezing and refrigeration time also depends on the storage temperature. Freezers should be kept as close to 0 degrees Fahrenheit as possible. This helps keep food fresh and retain nutrients. Refrigerators should be kept at around 34 F to effectively prolong the shelf life of foods. This temperature is just above freezing.

4. Cooking Temperature and Food Safety:
Cooking temperature affects both the taste and safety of food. From a safety perspective, hotter temperatures at the center of the meat are safer. However, safe cooking temperatures vary for different types of meat.
Poultry should never be eaten rare. It should always be cooked thoroughly. Undercooked poultry can spread salmonella and other diseases.
Pork should always be cooked to at least the high end of medium. Pork can carry several potentially dangerous types of worms and parasites.
Beef has a wider safety range. However, rare meat lovers are safer sticking to steaks, roasts, and chops. Ground meat needs to be cooked to a higher temperature. This is because whole cuts of meat typically have the most bacteria on their surfaces. Bacteria found in ground meats may be mixed throughout.

5. Cooking Fish:
Fish has a wide spectrum of safe cooking methods. They change depending on the type and quality of fish you are cooking. The method used to cook the fish is also extremely important.
Check cooking instructions for different types of fish. In general, fish should be cooked all the way through. However, medium-rare may be acceptable for certain types of fish. Raw fish, like sushi, should only be eaten with caution. It must be prepared carefully to reduce the risk of contamination.

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