Mar 4, 2012

Organic Facts about milk

The Reality about Milk

While the consumption of milk has a global importance to many people, there are many ethical and moral questions to be answered when it comes to the purity of the milk that we consume every day. The milk that we consume in reality go through a lot of processing which makes it detrimental to the health rather than providing any benefits. This piece will explore some of the reasons, related both to health and ethics, which will show us reality of milk.

  • The Milk introduces many antibiotics and growth hormones in our blood!

  • The problem with the milk comes its source itself, the cows. Dairy cows are fed high-protein, soy-based feed instead natural green grass. This forces there pituitary glands to enlarge abnormally enabling them to produce milk in large quantities. Although increased milk production is good for humans , but this makes the cows weak and diseased. When these poor animal are diseased they are injected with varieties of antibiotics that invariably ends up in the milk. These antibiotics are commonly found in the finished product that many of us consume on a very regular basis. No wonder many antibiotics that we consume render ineffective to cure our diseases.
  • Pasteurization destroys good pathogens and bacteria

  • Pasteurization process involves heating the raw product to high temperatures in order to destroy the native pathogens and bacteria of cow’s milk. But unfortunately, this process also destroys the natural enzymes found in the milk, enzymes that the human body requires to properly break it down when it is consumed. This causes the pancreas to gradually lose its power to breakdown the milk.
  • Homogenization breaks down milk enzymes

  • The butterfat found naturally in cow’s milk is forced through a commercial process called homogenization. This process forces the butterfat to be stripped of from milk to form curd or yogurt. The final milk is termed as “low fat” milk or just marketed as milk. Also it is called skim milk, a product marketed to us as a health food; what is ironic is that the removal of the butterfat keeps the human body from properly digesting the milk, leaving behind the many vitamins, minerals and short chain fatty acids that are naturally found in milk.
  • Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH)

  • Bovine Growth Hormones are used by dairy farmers for increased milk production. So how does BGH affect humans? rBGH is similar, although not identical, to a hormone that the cow naturally produces. Increase in the levels of this hormone boosts milk production, causing a lot of toxins with the milk, among them, raising levels of pus, antibiotics residues and a cancer-accelerating hormone called IGF-1.This insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1) gets in the milk of commercial dairy cows, forcing the people to consume the finished product. IGF-1 has been found to promote the transformation of human breast cells to cancerous forms among other negative health effects.
    Though all the points have evoked a widespread apathy towards consuming milk and the has created self-professed pundits of vegan way of living where they completely abstain from natural organic milk. We could well explore the benefits of real milk which is devoid of all these synthetic processes and reap the multitude of benefits of natural organic milk which will force us to conclude that it is the ultimate food for human beings.

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