Feb 19, 2012

What Can Honey Do For Your Health

Around the world and throughout many ages, honey has been one of the most preferred breakfast ingredients for most people. Although, most people love honey for its mouth-watering taste, they tend to forget that honey has a vast repository of health benefits, as well. Moreover, honey can be consumed in many ways. It might be directly eaten, or mixed with a juice or just smeared on the bread like jam. A drink of honey mixed with limejuice, some herbs and cinnamon is also delicious. The best thing about honey is that you can consume it in any way you like. However, knowing about health benefits of honey might guide you in understanding the purpose of having honey regularly, apart from the reason of its obvious taste.

About honey
Honey is a carbohydrate compound that is easily absorbable in comparison to sugar. This helps in heat generation, replacement of energy and formation of some tissues. Honey is often considered being a better choice in comparison to milk, sugar canes and starches. This is because milk acts as a breeding ground for bacteria while sugarcane and starches have to go through a process of digestion. On the other hand, since bees have predigested the honey, the sugar in it is already inverted and concentrated. This is beneficial for people with weak digestion lacking in amylase and invertase, as the stomach is saved from extra labor. Now, since you have an idea about the trivia of honey, it is time to move on to its organic health benefits.
Organic food health benefits of honey
Honey as a natural energy booster: Honey being a natural resource of carbohydrate gives our body the necessary energy and strength, which is capable of boosting the performance, endurance levels of the muscles and reducing fatigue from the muscles in athletes. The glucose present in the honey assimilates in the body quickly and checks fatigue while you are exercising and the fructose gives energy that sustains for long. Due to this, honey is even considered better than any forms of sugar to keep the blood sugar levels in control. It also helps in restoring glycogen after a workout and recovery of the muscle.

Honey as a builder of immunity system: Honey can help you to stay fit and healthy as it helps in building the immunity system of your body. This is due to the anti-bacterial properties and presence of antioxidants like nutraceuticals in honey that helps in removing free radicals from the human body.
Honey has anti-cancerous properties: Honey with its anti-tumor properties and elements prevent the spread of carcinogen in the body.
Other miscellaneous functions of honey
  • Honey is a great remedy for arthritis pain, athlete foot and yeast infection.
  • Honey has antiseptic properties that make it capable of preventing growth of some bacteria and treat external wounds like burns and cuts. It also prevents infections of all sorts and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. It also contains anti-fungal properties.
  • Honey works great for combating hangovers as it has “sobering agents”, which accelerates the oxidation process of alcohol.
  • Anti microbial properties enable honey to treat a sore throat, as well. That is why professional singers mostly use it to relax their throats.
  • Honey helps insomniacs and cures their sleeplessness.
  • Honey acts as sweetener, yet helps in loosing weight by digesting the body fat.
  • Vitamins and minerals like Calcium and Iron is present in honey, which are good for health.
  • Honey helps in imparting a smooth skin, which acts perfectly when combined with milk.
Tips on how and when to have honey
The following are some valuable tips about how to have honey to your daily dose of nutrition:
  • Have a spoonful of honey before you go out for a workout, it will assist you in covering an extra mile.
  • Add honey to your tea or spread it on hot toast to free yourself from the early morning lethargy.
  • Have a sandwich with honey, ham and butter to maintain energy throughout the day.
  • Add honey to your lemonade to have a fine share of health and taste.
  • Blend liquid honey, natural yogurt and orange juice to get an awesome healthy smoothie.
  • Add a spoon of honey to hot milk or chamomile tea.
Honey is such a common ingredient that is found in everyone’s kitchen. It is not only available in the supermarkets, but also in the organic food online stores, as well. So, order your stock of honey today and start reaping benefits from tomorrow by adding a spoonful of honey to food to take you one step towards healthy living.

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