Dec 8, 2011

India Follows Organic Method of Food Production

India Follows Organic Method of Food Production
Food production has always been one of the important issues in India. Along with the rest of the world India has always adopted new and advanced techniques to increase the food output.
Earlier, it was green revolution and now it is organic farming. The farmers of India were opting to produce food in organic way. The region which has responded to the technique abundantly is the North India. The three states Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh had driven the food production and were taking organic method as the way of cultivation.
Vijay Jardhari, social leader, was the one who popularized organic farming in India, by formulating the Beej Bachao Andolan (BBA), or Save the Seeds Movement. The movement was started in the Henwal River Valley in Tehri district in Uttarakhand.
It was through preserving the traditional seeds, the movement intended to encourage the concept of biodiversity and continuous agriculture. Since 1980, Jardhari along with the other members of the movement has managed to collect 200 forms of kidney beans, 150 paddy seeds and 7 forms of wheat seeds.
With the movement Jardhari has managed to earn Henwal River Valley a space in the international map and received donation for the work he carried out. Also, there were a number of nonprofit organizations which were promoting the concept of organic farming in rural India.