Nov 21, 2011

Simple Sanitation: Five Tips to Help Prevent Pests

Imagine for a moment that your product is compromised by pests. Not something you even want to think about, right? Protecting your product is of the utmost importance to your bottom line and your business’ reputation.
The good news is that sanitation is a relatively easy way to help prevent pests from being attracted to your facility. A sanitation program must encompass daily, weekly and monthly steps, along with a thorough deep cleaning at least once a year.
Here are five quick sanitation tips to help keep pests at bay:
1) Regularly sweep or vacuum under appliances. Use a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter to clean debris from cracks and crevices in walls—this can also remove any pests hiding in these areas.
2) Thoroughly clean all equipment, particularly in joints and around nuts and bolts, which can be easily overlooked. Dust and grime can collect in these spots and attract pests.
3) Clean spills immediately, even if it is just water. Pests only need a small amount of water to survive in your facility.
4) Remove floor drain covers and scrub drains with an organic cleaner and brush to remove organic debris that can act as a breeding ground for some pests.
5) Line all trashcans and make sure they are tightly sealed. Implement a regular trash-removal schedule and ensure trash is disposed of daily. Don’t let trash pile up outside entrances and near the building—this can attract pests to your building where they may find easy access through nearby doors. Move dumpsters as far from the building as possible and work with your waste management company to regularly clean and rotate your dumpster.
Remember, sanitation is just one facet of a comprehensive Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. Make sure to document any pest sightings and work with a licensed, trained pest management professional who can help train your staff to be on the lookout for signs of pests. Staying ahead of pests today will help prevent costly problems in the future.